For the past month or so my mom and I have been trying to locate the video that was taken nearly 11 years ago of my scapular instability.
Well folks..we finally found it.
There really is not much introduction that this video is pretty self explanatory.
(I should mention that I no longer have the neck motion issue, the reason that was so intense was because this video was filmed shortly after the first laproscopic surgery where anterior heat shrinking was done, under my collar bone, and the muscles and tendons and ligaments were soooo tight I had no range of motion without every part of my shoulder/scapula being involved).
Severe Snapping Scapula. Scapular Instability.
Well, this has been a super long week.
I've been struggling with my inner emotions for quite a few weeks and yesterday I had an emotional case of diarrhea all over my family. I was in pain, struggling with adjusting to a new [lower] income, trying to communicate with Emery, rolling with the 5 year old attitude Rowdy has, and just trying to get through the days were becoming more difficult.
Brian has been unemployed for about 6 weeks now and it's starting to take its toll...not just financially but it's creating unneeded stress. I'm trying my best daily to balance our checkbook but we can never get ahead and when your trying to put every dime away for surgery, you start to feel defeated!
The upside to this wishful Wednesday is that my friend came up with a great idea for raising money. We call it:
Cleaning for a Cause & Saving for Seattle
My community is having a yard sale on October 13, 2012 and what better way to raise some money then to get rid of a little clutter.
We're asking people to go through some unwanted items and donate them to this upcoming yard sale to help raise some extra funds for my expenses!
There finally is true meaning to another mans trash is another mans treasure!
Anybody can drop off there treasures at my house any time any day!
If you would like to donate items please shoot me an email at and let me know when a good time to drop by is!
I'm very grateful again for everyone that has already committed to helping and those that have given monetary donations. You really don't know how much it means to me!
Hopefully, I'll hear from you soon!
Only 14 days until my consultation with Dr. Matsen in Seattle!!